
Can the International Political Process be Saved?

We live in a globalized world. The boundaries that once separated us are breaking down.

Political structures are being created to fill this ungoverned realm of interaction. The United Nations, The World Bank, the IMF, and WTO, the countless multilateral and bilateral agreements.

These institutions have only scratched the surface of their potential to create positive change.

Fixing the international political process is a rather large task. But one of the most important.

What is it we need?

1. An international political system that builds common understanding and addresses the most pressing global threats.

2. One that allows for multilateral collaboration.

3. A system that ensures justice regardless of where somebody is born.

What’s preventing us from achieving these?

There aren’t any easy answers, but there are clear problems holding the international political system back.

1. Sovereignty

Perhaps the largest problem, but also the most difficult to fix.

2. Bureaucracy

The UN is huge, complicated, and lacks the necessary intenal coordination to make it functional – it’s like most modern governments in democratic countries.

3. Lack of Funds

4. Lack of Political Support from the US

5. Unclear in its Mission

So what needs to change?

1. The UN as a watchdog and investigative entity, amplifying this role in tandem with its direct development work.

2. Broader public engagement. This is a two way street, the UN needs to extend its hand, but the public needs to become individually active. Part of the problem is a lack of access, both physical and due to the lack of news.

3. Recognizing we are the UN and we are the ones who are here to implement decisions. We are the teeth of the UN.


2012 Update: There’s also a new realm of the international connective space to be explored — that of Facebook and Twitter and all the other forms of connecting with those beyond our boarders, using concepts other than sovereignty to organize ourselves and find like-minded individuals.

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