
Exploring the world through writing

Going Super Saiyan

That phrase might not mean much to a lot of you, but for those who have watched the 90’s phenomenon Dragon Ball Z, you get the gist. It means going to an entirely different plane of existence, doing things you never thought possible, and becoming more powerful than anybody thought you could. That’s what we

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The Importance of Being Self-Centered

I realized something this past week. I have a problem of not being self-centered enough. It’s like iron, too much will kill you, but not enough and you’ll surely die. This post is for all the self-less introverts out there. Like I said, this is a bit of a problem for me. I’m often more

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Moving Beyond the Self-Interest of Nation States

Is the only reason countries cooperate because they can’t act unilaterally? Is ‘cooperation’ a tool to further their own self-interest? I suspect this may be a big part of what’s going on in the international political process. It’s the common justification given domestically for funding the UN — that it’s in our interest. I don’t

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